
Three Valleys Municipal Water District's mission is to supplement and enhance local water supplies to meet our region's needs in a reliable and cost-effective manner.
Who We Serve & What We Do

Three Valleys Municipal Water District is a wholesale water agency that was established by a vote of the people in 1950.  Three Valleys provides water to 13 customers (member agencies).
Three Valleys Municipal Water District is one of the 26 water agencies that makes up the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).  If you'd like more information about MWD, visit their website at www.mwdh2o.com

Meeting Schedule & Cancellations

Three Valleys is governed by a seven-member board of elected officials.
All Board Meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 a.m., at the District's headquarters - 1021 E. Miramar Avenue, Claremont, California.

Public Records Request

If you have a request for public records, please click on the link below, or "Contact Us" at the top of this page and complete the online form.  Please be specific about the documents you are seeking. 

Contact Us


A District of Distinction

Three Valleys Municipal Water District Receives the "District of Distinction" Accreditation
The Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD) was awarded its initial District of Distinction accreditation in 2014 by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) for its sound fiscal management policies and practices in District operations. TVMWD was reaccredited for another two years in June 2016. 
“SDLF provides an independent audit review of the last three years of the district’s operations to ensure prudent fiscal practices,” said Neil McCormick, SDLF Administrator. The committee members who review the audits are volunteers from the special district community, including district controllers, directors of finance and certified general managers.
In addition, the District’s board of directors and executive staff must also show proof of educational training in public governance, as well as compliance with ethics and harassment prevention training.

GOYTIA 4 Water Board 2022  
​Committee ID# 1409489

Here are but a few accomplishments Director Goytia has worked on and taken the lead with his colleagues and TVMWD staff: 

  • Moved to approve a regional urban water management plan approach for TVMWD member agencies. 

  • Directed staff with the board to enter into an LOI with MWD, Upper District, and MBWM for TVMWD capacity in MWD’s California Pure Water Project for 6500 AF/yr. 

  • Awarded the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for excellence in financial reporting for 12 straight yrs. 

  • Approved w/ Board a TVMWD surcharge added to MWD’s treated water rate from $5 per AF discount to a $10 AF discount over the last 2 yrs. 

  • New Grand Ave. Well was placed into service in August 2020.

  • Successfully introduced AB 703 regarding Brown Act modifications for teleconferencing public meetings and enhancing public access. 

  • Completed groundwater deliveries to Chino Basin (1400 AF) and Main San Gabriel Basin (2900 AF ) 

  • Approved sale of TVMWD easements to provide Spadra Basin to support the construction of monitoring well. 

  • Approved pursuing a 200k USBR Water Smart grant for the development of the TVMWD Drought Contingency Plan. Awarded and will receive in Fall of 2022 

  • Approved a pump-back agreement between the PWR-JWL commission and TVMWD. 

  • TVMWD Well 1. Rehabilitation project. (Completed) 

  • Miragrand Well Project is on track and nearly completed. 

  • Engaged with Chino Basin WaterMaster for future water storage & extraction agreement. Working with Pomona and Cucamonga Valley WD on extraction options. 

  • Executing Operational Shift Cost Offset Program with MWD to preserve State Water Project supplies while preserving TVMWD Financial Integrity.

  • Executed w/Board a letter of intent to enter into an MOA with Glendora and LACPW for a PM-26A in the Main San Gabriel Basin to support the Big Dalton Spreading grounds expansion. This will allow TVMWD to deliver larger quantities of water. 

  • Enhancing water sustainability and reliability to our retail customers in a cost-effective manner to stabilize water rates and maintain water affordability for constituent consumers.